How do you reach all those eager customers who want to know more about your awesome offer?
Following on with our 2023 series – let’s have a bit of a look at outreach.
To start with, email marketing and its bigger cousin, electronic direct mail (EDM) – are proven ways of getting yourself in front of potential customers.
Yes, they sound similar - no, they are not the same.
They both use emails to build a list and grow conversions but EDM adds another piece to the puzzle.
Email marketing is precisely that – emails sent through a third-party provider to convert some of the recipients into customers
Send email – measure performance – action client engagements – build & segment list - Rinse/Repeat
Your EDM campaign is the next step, a bigger beast, with more moving parts, additional complexity, and multiple channels.
A full-strength EDM campaign starts with e-blasts, then follows through - retargeting ads to capture those that have seen the email, a social media campaign built specifically for the campaign, and possibly billboards or printed ads in traditional media.
Send email – set autoresponders – serve retarget ads/print ads/direct to SM campaign - measure performance – action client engagements – build & segment list - Rinse/Repeat
The benefit of this approach – you increase the number of touchpoints you have with potential clients and therefore increase the chances of a sale – read about the cool Marketing Rule of 7 with Andrea Stenberg.
I understand that they both sound a bit technical, but they are relatively simple to set up – reach me here to discuss your strategies.
There are 7 steps in building your EDM, and we will dive into them in the rest of this series.